AHA aligned training center

Test Survey Results

Date: June 21, 2022
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Unsure
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Amanda and Chris
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Very informative and efficient! Thank you Amanda and Chris!

Date: June 21, 2022
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Amanda
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Neutral
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Neutral
Take Class Again with Us? Being forced to purchase a book that was not useful. We did not use it in class and if I need the information I can simply look it up online.
Recommend to others? No
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Tampa
Course: BLS
Instructor: Ed
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Charlotte
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: It was a great class!! I enjoyed it very much!

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Tampa
Course: BLS
Instructor: Ed wheat
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Very friendly and wants to see everyone pass

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Tampa
Course: BLS
Instructor: Ed Wheat
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Charlotte
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Charlotte made the class very stress free and enjoyable, while providing great instruction.

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Charlotte
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 1
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Unsatisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? No
Recommend to others? No
Additional Comments: Again, Myriah did not follow AHA guidelines or best practice by the letter.

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 21, 2022
City: Louisville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Myriah
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 20, 2022
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: karen
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Enjoyed and learned alot in class. Thank you