AHA aligned training center

Test Survey Results

Date: June 24, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Betty Jones
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Continue the great work!!

Date: June 24, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Betty Jones
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Betty Jones
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Satisfied
Site Location? Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Betty
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Betty is very personable and enjoyable to work with! The class was educational and efficient. Betty is a wealth of knowledge and an asset to refreshing on both ACLS and BLS

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: William
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Will
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Had a blast. Learning made fun.

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Tampa, Tampa
Course: HeartSaver First Aid
Instructor: Leann Theivagt
Rate Instructor: 4
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Tampa, Tampa
Course: HeartSaver CPR
Instructor: Leann Theivagt
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Tampa, Tampa
Course: HeartSaver First Aid
Instructor: Leaan Theivagt
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Will
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Liked how interactive he was

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: William Alton
Rate Instructor: 4
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Satisfied
Site Location? Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Will Alta
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: William Alton
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: John
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Don’t remember his name
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Neutral
Site Location? Unsatisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Location was trickier to find than last time I was here

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: William
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Memphis
Course: BLS
Instructor: William Alton
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana and loan
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana and Loan
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: June 24, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dana & Loan
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: