AHA aligned training center

Test Survey Results

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Tampa – Palm Harbor
Course: BLS
Instructor: Leann Theivagt
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Leann is a great teacher. She is very knowledgeable and caring.

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Dyana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: ACLS
Instructor: I forgot
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Joanna
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Joanna
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Indianapolis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Dave
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Indianapolis
Course: BLS, ACLS
Instructor: Dave
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Louisville
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Sheila
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Louisville
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Shelia
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Shelia is amazing

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Cincinnati
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Amy
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana C.
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: High Quality instructor who is seasoned and knows how to pick up on areas that you need help with and personalize that feedback. Even when others needed correction it was done with positive reinforcement and the instructor got everyone supporting each other. There was a real sense of comradery in class. There was no questions too dumb and she has the patience of a saint. Room is great for learning and I liked seeing her clean the dolls in front of us in class so you know it was clean. I will be back and ask for her next time.

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Cincinnati
Course: ACLS
Instructor: Annie
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Excellent class and instruction. Easy to follow and easy to ask questions. See you again in two years.

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Diana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana Clark
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: I can’t tell you how many times I have now taken this course with Dyana. She is an excellent instructor. Very informative, knowledgeable, as well kind.

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: This was the best class I have ever been involved with. Diana made it all make sense

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: Nashville
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dyana
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Dyana was great! This is my second class with her

Date: August 8, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Dave
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments:

Date: August 8, 2024
City: St. Louis
Course: BLS
Instructor: Joanna and Dr. Chris
Rate Instructor: 5
Stress-Free Class? Yes
Information Presented? Very Satisfied
Equipment/Mannequins? Very Satisfied
Site Location? Very Satisfied
Registration/Customer Service? Very Satisfied
Take Class Again with Us? Yes
Recommend to others? Yes
Additional Comments: Very helpful and want you to succeed